The Assignation Authority for “.es” domain names is going to revoke the accreditation of the Accredited Registrar TuDominio, due to their failing fulfilling the contract signed with Red.es. From 02 September 2022 on, said Accredited Registrar will not be able to mediate in the assignation of new “.es” domain names. However, in order to cause the least possible setback to the affected domain name holders, the actual withdrawal will be deferred to 02 October 2022.
As a consequence of the above, we urge the beneficiaries of “.es” domain names managed by TuDominio, to transfer their domain names to another Registrar accredited by Red.es as soon as possible. The list of Accredited Registrars can be consulted on this link.
In the event that the holders of the affected domain names do not proceed to transfer them before 02 October 2022, said domain names will be managed directly by the Assignation Authority provisionally, for 2 months. Pursuant to section nineteen of the Instruction of the General Director of Red.es, 2 January 2010, under which the procedures applicable to the assignation and to the other operations assigned to the Registry under the “.es” are developed, during that period (from 03 October 2022 to 04 December 2022):
- The beneficiary of the domain name will be able to request a voluntary transfer of the management of the domain name to any Accredited Registrar.
- It will be possible to renew the domain names managed provisionally by the Assignation Authority only once and for a maximum period of one year. The fee applicable to renewals requested during this period will be 4.09€ (VAT excluded).
From 05 December 2022 on, all the domain names whose beneficiaries have not requested a transfer of their management to another Accredited Registrar, will be managed directly by the Assignation Authority, applying the regular fees for this kind of management (27.59€, VAT excluded).
We remind the beneficiaries of domain names whose management passes to the Assignation Authority, that they will be able to keep the hosting service they hired. However, the Assignation Authority when managing the “.es” domain names does not provide any additional service, i.e. hosting, so for “.es” domain names under management of the Assignation Authority those services will have to be hired with other entities.
The regulations applicable to this procedure can be consulted on this link.
If you need any further clarification, please contact our Customer Service at the email address: info@dominios.es or through phone number 0034 912 763 764.