In its desire for continuous improvement, the Official “.es” Register has implemented a series of additional technologies and processes designed to improve service quality.
The aim is to fulfil the public’s demand for security, connectivity, the fight against fraud, digital identity and e-commerce, etc. These added values mean that “.es” can position itself as an advanced domain that is highly committed to its users’ needs.
The added values offered by are:
Partnerships collaborates against electronic fraud.
In order to act against domain name fraud carried out under the ".es" domain, the Public Corporate Entity collaborates with the Spanish National Institute for Cybersecurity (“INCIBE”), a body that pays attention to all types of electronic fraud, focusing primarily on those cases related to ".es" domain names.
Whenever a possible case of fraud is detected, you can refer the case to INCIBE, via e-mail
This suite of security extensions serves to authenticate the source of data and maintain their integrity.
Find out more about DNSSEC in the following documents:
The Reuse of Public Sector Information (RPSI) and its “Open Data” initiative make certain public sector data available with no restrictions. Find out more about RPSI.
In order to access this service, the user must have the FNMT certificate or DNIe, to make the corresponding request and follow the steps indicated below:
1. Access the form.
2. Fill in the requested data and sign the document electronically with one of the accepted certificates.
Port 43 Whois
Port 43 Whois is the service that allows queries via the Port 43 Whois service for
Searches can be performed on second and third level domains, including those with IDN characters.
If you would like more information, you can download the procedure manual for accessing the Whois service via port 43.
The letters IP stand for Internet Protocol. The protocol consists of a series of mechanisms used by devices (computers, mobile phones and routers, etc) to communicate within the network.
IPv6 is the Internet protocol version 6 and the successor of IPv4. It is a significantly improved version with substantial advantages over IPv4.
Find out more about IPv6 in the FAQ manual and the other useful links:
Useful links:
IDN Area
Since October 2007, enables .es domains to be registered with letters of the alphabets belonging to the official languages of Spain.
Directive from the General Director of the Public Corporate Entity on multilingual characters in “.es”.
Resolution of the General Director of the Public Corporate Entity amending the directive on multilingual characters in “.es”.
Frequently asked questions about IDN:
List of Top FAQS in pdf
List of FAQS in pdf
Updated list of reserved terms:
Updated Reserved Terms (29 October 2007)
Updated Reserved Terms (27 September 2007)