How to become an Accredited Registrar

How to become an Accredited Registrar

To request certification as an Accredited Registrar you must follow the procedure detailed below and send the series of documents listed below:


To apply for certification as an Accredited Registrar, you must follow the following procedure:


Step 1

Send in the data form

Complete the Data Form.

After receiving this data, we will give you the instructions on how to submit the additional documentation.


Step 2

Additional documentation

In addition, you must send the following mandatory documentation:

  Copy of the documents certifying the incorporation and registration of the applicant organisation in the corresponding register (*)

Foreign applicants must send in this document duly legalised for use outside their country of origin using the procedure appropriate to each case (Hague Apostille or consular authentication chain mechanism).

(*)Note: Only for organisations which are not registered in the Spanish Register of Companies.


  Sufficient power of attorney for the person signing on behalf of the applicant (*)

Foreign applicants must send in this document duly legalised for use outside their country of origin using the procedure appropriate to each case (Hague Apostille or consular authentication chain mechanism).

(*)Note: Only for organisations which are not registered in the Spanish Register of Companies.


  Statement from the applicant organisation 

that it is not subject to any of the prohibitions stipulated in article 60.1 of the Law on Public Sector Contracts, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011, of 14 November, in the terms outlined in section 2.2. of Clause Two of the contract, which is attached as Annex I: model statement.


  Form demonstrating sufficient technical and professional solvency to perform the functions of an Accredited Registrar, (Section 2.3 of Clause Two of the contract, included as Annex II).

For this purpose, the organisation must address all the issues included in the document with, among other things, reference to its technical infrastructure and corporate structure, its experience and the relevant projects in which it has participated.

The document must be signed on all of its pages.


  Model Certificate in which the insurer certifies that the policy taken out by their client covers civil liabilities deriving from the activity of Accredited Registrar, according to the provisions of Clause Twelve of the contract, which is attached to the document as Appendix VII.

Or another model certificate issued by the insurance company, provides this clearly states that it complies with the requirements stipulated by and is delivered signed and stamped by the insurer.

An original certificate must be submitted and printed signatures will not be accepted.


  Pledge or guarantee referred to in section 3.9 of Clause Three of the Contract: model guarantee.

This obligation may also be met by making a deposit in a bank account for the amount stated in section 3.9 of Clause Three of the Contract, as surety.

Applicants interested in the second option may indicate their wish to make a deposit in the account, rather than present a guarantee, and submit the remaining documentation.


Step 3

Signing the contract

Once has verified that you have properly certified compliance with the obligations required for the contract to take effect, the contract will be signed by and we will send it to you for you to sign.

The person who has certified that they have sufficient power of representation granted by the organisation seeking accreditation must sign one copy of the contract on all its pages, including the documents that are annexes to the contract, and return it to as per the instructions received.


Step 4

Issuing an invoice and payment

After this, will issue the invoice for the payment of the registration fee for becoming an Accredited Registrar.

You must pay the registration fee into the account of the Corporate Public Entity as indicated (paragraph 2.1 of Clause Two of the Contract).


Step 5

Technical access

After receiving payment of the registration fee, will give the Accredited Registrar full access to the ".es” domain name management tool.

After this, the organisation will be added to the List of Accredited Registrars in the ".es” Domain Name Register, ending the accreditation procedure.



Notice: The Contract and Appendices I and II may be signed electronically, in which case a handwritten signature is not required. In order to use an electronic signature, you must obtain a digital certificate such as the electronic DNI (DNIe) or another issued by any of the following certification authorities:


List of recognised Certification Authorities

  • AC Camerfirma Certificados Camerales
  • AC Camerfirma Express Corporate Server v3
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales Corporativos
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales Personales
  • ANCERT Certificados CGN
  • ANCERT Certificados FERN
  • ANCERT Certificados para empleados
  • ANCERT Corporaciones de Derecho Público
  • ANCERT Certificados para Corporaciones de Derecho Publico
  • ANCERT Corporativos Personales V2
  • ANCERT Corporativos de Sistemas V2
  • ANCERT Certificados para empleados V2
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales Corporativos V2
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales V2
  • ANCERT Certificados Redes Privadas V2
  • ANCERT Corporaciones de Derecho Publico Personales V2
  • ANCERT Corporaciones de Derecho Publico de Sistemas V2
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales Personales V2
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales de Sistemas V2
  • ANCERT Certificados FERN V2
  • ANCERT Certificados CGN V2
  • ANCERT Corporaciones de Derecho Publico V2
  • Chambers of Commerce Root
  • PSC Banesto Root
  • PSC Banesto Clientes
  • CA E.P.E. RED.ES
  • Autoridad de Certificación de la Abogacía
  • ACA - Certificados Corporativos
  • Root CA Generalitat Valenciana
  • ACCV-CA1
  • ACCV-CA2
  • AC DNIE 001
  • AC DNIE 002
  • EC-ACC
  • EC-IDCat
  • EC-AL
  • EC-AL
  • EC-UR
  • EC-URV
  • AC Firmaprofesional - CA1
  • FNMT Clase 2 CA

Benefits of being an Accredited Registrar offers its Accredited Registrars a series of benefits:


  Exclusive domain rates for Accredited Registrars:

Type of domain Registration or renewal rate for Accredited Registrars (before VAT)
.es 4,09€,, 1,29€, 10,34€

You can view the details in the Instruction on Public Prices.


Instruction on Public Prices

PDF File

76,3 KB

  Priority assistance - exclusive support lines and “online” electronic management system

  Management of “.es” domains through an automatic system that enables real-time “.es” domain registration.

  Extranet services for domain management.

  Ongoing training in the Register's regulations and procedures.

  Membership of the Domain Registration Committee (Comisión de Registro de Dominios -CRD), regular meetings with Accredited Registrars.

  Access to subsidies for actions to promote .es domains carried out by the Accredited Registrar (volume discounts, funding actions to generate publicity through the media, etc.)

  Participation in Collaboration Agreements with other companies.

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  • Our Accredited Registrars

    See the list of accredited registrars with whom you can register your domain. 

  • Terms and conditions

    Find out all you need to know before registering your “.es” domain.  

  • Ventajas de ser Agente Registrador

    Ventajas de ser Agente Registrador

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