Cancel a domain

Cancel a domain

This section contains all the information you need to get to know how to request cancellation of an “.es” domain assigned to a third party, along with information about how to make a claim when cancellation relates to an “.es” domain assigned to you.

You will find specific information below about how to request the cancellation process to start and the reasons behind it. You can also find information about the special cancellation procedure for database cleansing.

How to request cancellation of an “.es” domain assigned to a third party

We summarise the procedure to request cancellation of an “.es” domain below.

Who can request cancellation of an “.es” domain?

The request to start the Cancellation Procedure can be submitted by any individual or entity, with or without legal personality, as long as the applicant can demonstrate that they have a legitimate interest in the “.es” domain to be cancelled and as long as one of the reasons for cancellation set out below can be given.

In which cases can cancellation of an “.es” domain be requested?

An “.es” domain may be subject to this procedure in the following cases:

  • 1. 1. When the name of the “.es” domain is requested by individuals or organisations with or without legal personality that have no interests or maintain no links with Spain. (*)

    The Public Corporate Entity considers that the meaning of “interests” or “links with Spain” covers, amongst others, the following situations:

    • Individuals or legal persons established in Spain.

    • Individuals or legal persons who wish to aim all or a part of their services at the Spanish market.

    • Individuals or legal persons who wish to offer information, services and/or products which are culturally, historically or socially linked to Spain.

  • 2. When the beneficiary of the ".es" domain name consisting solely of surnames or a combination of given names and surnames is not directly related to it.

  • 3. When registering the “.es” domain name, there are false and/or incorrect data and their veracity cannot be proved by the actual beneficiary.

  • 4. When the rules and technical conditions established by the Assignment Authority for the proper functioning of the ".es" domain names system are not complied with.

  • 5. When the ".es" domain name assigned is in breach of the syntax rules set out in section one of provision eleven of the Domain Names Plan or any of the other assignment conditions provided for this purpose in the aforementioned Plan.

  • 6. When an “.es” domain name has been declared to be of public interest in a resolution by the Chairperson of


The cases listed above are causes for cancellation and are provided for in the Directive of the General Director of, of 2 January 2010, which regulates the Cancellation Procedure.


How can cancellation of an “.es” domain be requested?

If you believe that any of the cases previously listed is applicable to an “.es” domain, you can request cancellation by accessing the Domain Control Panel with your identifier and password and selecting the “Cancel Domain Request” option.


Bear in mind that you must sufficiently prove the existence of any of the grounds for cancellation in the registration of the “.es” domain in question, as well as the legitimate interest giving rise to the request.


To submit your request, you must identify yourself in one of the following ways:

  •  Electronic DNI/Certificate (*)

  •  Photocopy of DNI or other certifying document




You need a digital certificate such as the electronic DNI (DNIe) or one issued by one of the following certification authorities:

List of recognised Certification Authorities

  • AC Camerfirma Certificados Camerales
  • AC Camerfirma Express Corporate Server v3
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales Corporativos
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales Personales
  • ANCERT Certificados CGN
  • ANCERT Certificados FERN
  • ANCERT Certificados para empleados
  • ANCERT Corporaciones de Derecho Público
  • ANCERT Certificados para Corporaciones de Derecho Publico
  • ANCERT Corporativos Personales V2
  • ANCERT Corporativos de Sistemas V2
  • ANCERT Certificados para empleados V2
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales Corporativos V2
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales V2
  • ANCERT Certificados Redes Privadas V2
  • ANCERT Corporaciones de Derecho Publico Personales V2
  • ANCERT Corporaciones de Derecho Publico de Sistemas V2
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales Personales V2
  • ANCERT Certificados Notariales de Sistemas V2
  • ANCERT Certificados FERN V2
  • ANCERT Certificados CGN V2
  • ANCERT Corporaciones de Derecho Publico V2
  • Chambers of Commerce Root
  • PSC Banesto Root
  • PSC Banesto Clientes
  • CA E.P.E. RED.ES
  • Autoridad de Certificación de la Abogacía
  • ACA - Certificados Corporativos
  • Root CA Generalitat Valenciana
  • ACCV-CA1
  • ACCV-CA2
  • AC DNIE 001
  • AC DNIE 002
  • EC-ACC
  • EC-IDCat
  • EC-AL
  • EC-AL
  • EC-UR
  • EC-URV
  • AC Firmaprofesional - CA1
  • FNMT Clase 2 CA

How to argue against the cancellation begun on an “.es” domain assigned to me.

More information on submitting arguments may be consulted on the following link:


End User Manual

PDF File

199 KB

Selection of resolutions on Cancellation Procedures

You can see a selection of resolutions on the “.es” domain names Cancellation Procedure, which mention criteria for admission, non-admission or cancellation, below.


These Resolutions have been edited beforehand to delete any reference to personal data or any matters which may impinge on the professional or corporate secrecy of the parties involved in the relevant procedures.


Special cancellation procedure for database cleansing


flujograma cancelacion especial depuracion base datos ENG


The current National Domain Names Plan provides that applicants for a domain name must provide their identification details, are responsible for their truthfulness and accuracy, and must inform the assignment authority immediately of any changes to such data.


For the applicant for “.es” domain names, this translates into the obligation to provide, amongst others, their name or company name, a valid e-mail address and their Tax ID Number, National Identity Document or a similar official identity document. That is to say, all applicants for “.es” domain names must provide truthful, accurate data when it comes to registering a domain name.


To ensure compliance with the above, has entered into various contracts and agreements with public bodies for the purpose of analysing and segmenting registered “.es” domain names and to be able to detect which of them have clear indications of misstatement and/or falsehood in the data provided.


For domains where this kind of error or omission has been detected, the following procedure will be carried out:

  • 1. Contact is made with the Accredited Registrar managing the domain name, with its Holder and with the Administrative Contact Person (PCA), informing them that they have a maximum of 3 calendar days to correct the deficiencies found in the registry data for the domain name in question.


    In the event that the domain name was registered using the End User option, the communiqué notifying the errors detected will be sent to the domain name Holder and PCA.


    During this period any of the aforementioned parties may take the appropriate steps to make the changes needed to the domain name registry, given that it will not be blocked and no measures will be taken to restrict its use. The relevant steps, and how to take them, will appear in the communiqué sent for that purpose.

  • 2. If, after the aforementioned period of 3 calendar days has passed, the errors indicated have not been rectified, will initiate a Special Cancellation Procedure on the domain name.

  • 3. Once the procedure has been opened, the Holder of the domain name or the Administrative Contact Person must correct the error detected and make the claims that they consider necessary to enable it to be shown that the data corresponding to the domain name are accurate and authentic.


    It is important to stress that this procedure does not enable changes to be made to the holder of the domain name (in other words, a transfer of title) but rather only enables it to be shown that the data included in the domain name registry, once the data identified as erroneous are corrected, are accurate and authentic.

How to argue against the special cancellation begun on an “.es” domain assigned to me.

More information on submitting arguments may be consulted on the following link:

You may also be interested in

  • Control Panel

    Access the User area to manage your domain. 

  • Change the domain holder

    Find out how you can change the holder of a “.es” domain, both when it is managed by an Accredited Registrar and by  

  • Recover your domain

    Find out about the procedure to recover your “.es” domain name.