The .es Domain Registry has established a two-factor authentication (2FA) to be able to access the management system of your domain.
This is intended to comply with the new National Security Scheme (ENS), published in Royal Decree 311/2022, of 3 May (see BOE), guaranteeing you as a user greater security and privacy by adding a second layer of protection to the password you currently use by means of a temporary confirmation code sent to your email or by a specific application.
Why is two-factor authentication (2FA) important?
The main advantage of this system is that it is an added security factor in case the password is hacked or leaked, and therefore guarantees protection of the account.
To use this system, all you need to do is to have your email address associated with your user name correctly indicated or set up a specialised authentication application on your mobile device, and there you will receive the temporary several digit code that you must enter into the system once you have logged in with your password.
You can find more information on this system at the following link